1,700 lbs of Tomatoes!!

...and that's not even half of them...

Mad thanks to Nancy, Katherine, Daniel, Judy and Johanna!
During the afternoon I wrote another newsletter article. This one on Pedal Power. Something I have posted about before. Around 2 it began to rain so E quit the cleaning of the pepper beds. We cleaned the front barn and set up for the next day's distribution.
Friday evening I was lucky enough to be invited to two different members' houses. Johanna and her husband Mike had me over for dinner. Mad tasty food and great conversation. Thanks! From there we went over to Bob and Marilyn's for some laid back jamming on guitar/singing. A little wine, some old union protest songs, good times. Thanks again.

A few pics from this week's distribution. We are getting into fall root vegetables. Our turnips are other-wordly large. Just as tasty too.

During distribution I helped prepped the tractor and hay wagon that I would be driving in the town's Community Day Parade. Every year the farm participates. Some riding the wagon dress up in costumes, others are just along for the ride. Either way... really fun. Tomatoes were handed out from the wagon (and thrown) to parade attendees. People dug.

After all was returned and put away, I picked up hb for her "remainder of the weekend" visit. Laid low that evening.
Sunday was kick started by groceries, coffee and a wonderful brunch. Yep.
From there it was time for me to "get back on the horse." The bench, that is.
The foot feels great and the weather, while a bit hot, was perfect for outdoor work. I rough planed the 3rd side of the log. 'bout 3 hours in all.
Take note of all the ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY precautions/gear when using a chainsaw. Very serious, potentially very dangerous stuff. Fun nonetheless.

Today we began by harvesting Arugula, Tatsoi and Scallions (huge scallions). Beans brought us to lunch. After food I made my way to the newest (only) succession of Squash and Zucchini in F while E harvested/culled peppers. I joined the rather "rot"errific activity for the remainder of the afternoon. If you're wondering, a fair number of peppers rot on the vine and must be pulled out lest they spread bacteria/sickness to other plants. Not the most pleasant of smells/textures... but a necessary procedure for sure. Thanks to Gordon for showing up to help.
After the work day I made a beeline to the bench. Having only 1 more side to rough plane, I was excited. I chalked, chainsawed and adzed the final side in about 1 1/2 hrs. Not bad.

And, hey, I've already got some takers/sitters. Nice one.

Until tomorrow.
1 comment:
Man, I wish I had some of those tomatoes...all out of the marinara I canned (okay, it was only 5 jars) already. So tasty.
You look pretty comfortable with that chainsaw, brother. Shaping up nicely.
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