Speaking of "full-belly," when you have the means and time, roast the following in olive oil (together or separately): Delicata and/or Sweet Dumpling Squash; Potatoes; Turnips; Beets; Carrots; Fennel. Make a side salad. Eat. Pass out. Sooooo good.
Tuesday had us harvesting like mad to get the city shares packed by lunch. The last of the summer crops are in need of gathering as are the quick-to-mature fall greens and root crops. We started with lettuce (only one head this week. slowing down), then Tatsoi (thinning them), Turnips (two ginormous per), Radishes, Broccoli!(yay Fall Brassicas) and Chard (new bed in D). All of that coupled with what we had harvested on Monday left us with an insanely large share for our Tuesday people.
We were packing share bins until just before 1 o'clock. Worth it though.

The rest of my Tuesday was as usual. Drive shares to the city. Return and unload empty bins. Help tear down distribution.
After doing dishes and eating crazy good roasted food, I was toast. Slept well.
I'm a coffee person. I drink 10-16oz every morning. Always enjoyable. Ritual at this point in my life. However, there are mornings when the coffee (same coffee as always) tastes so good one must wonder why it hasn't been outlawed yet. Maybe it was the cool cool air this morning too.
Anyway, we began by tackling the transportation of winter squash from the greenhouse to the back barn. Using the big wooden harvest bins, we filled them to the top with like varieties and moved them by tractor. After about an hour we moved to our rest-of-the-morning project: De-rocking the 3 direct seeded beds in F. Why? To actually give us a chance at proper cultivation, i.e. basket weeding and wheel hoeing. F field, while wonderfully low to nil on weed pressure, is quite high on rock pressure. Ergo, rock, young farmer... And that we did. Looks great and I got to go through the three beds with the basket weeder with ease. Spend time on one task, save loads of time on another.
Afternoon was mostly wheel-hoeing and handweeding in D. The Purslane has no clue when to stop... so I gave it one. I also helped E finish moving the squash to the back barn. All done... and we now have a truly empty greenhouse. At least through the end of the season.
After work? 3 hours of bench work. The result?

Getting there! Nice. GORGEOUS wood too... really.
What I did:
After drawing the profile of the side of the piece, I flipped it so the underside was facing up. I made many parallel depth cuts with the chainsaw. And after knocking out the first few pieces in the middle (i worked my way outward) the rest of them came out pretty readily with 3-4 smacks of the adze.
With the "goof room" I gave myself, the bench is still a little thick, but now I can really shave it down bit by bit. Exciting.
One more pic before I forget. Hard to believe that just two weeks ago this field was crawling with winter squash. Now it's crawling with Oats.

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