up and down. cycles.
Thursday, as I recall, began at 8am. E & I chose to do so (nts: start at 7. the day ends earlier. more daylight left.).
We transplanted the last succession of lettuce for the season.
(on the left)

We moved to harvesting leeks after that. D joined us as we were finishing.
I think we hand-weeded for the better part of the rest of the morning after that.
In the afternoon we cultivated sweet potatoes. The heat was strangely stifling as the temperature wasn't that high, yet we were all pouring sweat.
E and I spent most of the rest of the afternoon hand-weeding herbs and beets in D.
I continued working on the log/bench. I was consciously attempting to plane, what will be, the bottom of the bench (though it's just going to be cut out) with the adze. Getting away from gas powered tools where possible is of interest to me. Safety is also of interest to me. That's why when I put the corner of the adze blade into the side of my foot I was definitely, umm, surprised.
Yeah, I made a good swing with the adze, but it glanced off the surface of the wood and through my boot to give me a nice bit of "wood carving memorabilia."
In short, I'm fine. I am healing without stitches. I have pictures. I won't post any more than this one.

Very grateful to have avoided ANY serious injury. And now I'm anxious to "get back on the horse and ride."
So I was sidelined on Friday. Being chair-bound while everyone else was harvesting like mad, was, well, maddening. As both D and I knew I was going to be out for Saturday's distribution as well, I made the choice to head to the city Friday afternoon.
Happily, I got to rest my foot quite a bit and my short recovery time is a direct reflection of that. The rest of the weekend was great too...
Oh, and thanks to the remnants of Tropical Storm Hannah for dumping (quite evenly) 3 inches of badly needed rain on the farm. And, yes, thanks to EVERYONE who did their own little rain dance. YOU ROCK!
Yesterday was slow going for me as I was still in hop-along mode. I did, however, manage to work half the day on my feet. The other half was spent harvesting from a sitting position.
E and I got
We also had a few visitors throughout the day. D tended to them. The first visitor was a farmer from the lower Hudson Valley who wanted to see our operation and compare notes. The second group was from a different farm on Long Island. They were also here for the same reason. Talk to D and compare notes on operation.
Laundry was an evening necessity. Happy it's done now.
Today began with a moderate harvest list as we got quite a bit yesterday. E and I cut lettuce first (as usual). We moved right to turnips next, but were unfortunately, lightninged and thundered off the fields. As far as we could tell from the online weather station, the stormy weather was going to be around for a couple hours (we ended up getting 1 1/2". nice).
Change of plans. Straight to packing distribution boxes for the city while the rain came tumbling. Seemed to all work out rather well. We got done what we needed to and the shares were still up to par.
I ran distribution in the afternoon. All went smoothly.
I ended the day by walking the farm and taking pictures.
There are quite a few examples of "decline" right now. Kinda sad, but definitely part of the cycle...

1 comment:
Glad you didn't post anything grosser than the slight blood- spotted foot. I tend to read your blog over lunch. ;) (and glad that you are sans medical intervention.....).
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