1. I have been playing Mother Nature with the beans in the 3 Sisters Field. Most of their tendrils missed their intended trellises. So.. I helped them along.

The canopy/gazebo has just GOT to look like I see it in my mind's eye. In a month, it should.
Yesterday we harvested 550 Italian Eggplants. Yep. 550. And that wasn't even the entirety of what was available. Now I have no real frame of reference for previous seasons' takes, but D cannot stop commenting on how much we're pulling in. It's blowin my mind too.
We had to harvest them in the same manner as melons (throwing them to a catcher posted at a LARGE bin on loader forks) due to the quantity. Personal harvest bins would've been ridiculously slow.

(bwah ha ha ha ha!!!)

I like this series of pics (in the eggplant rows, no doubt)

As for today, it moved along just like a Tuesday here should.
We harvested.
We loaded bins for remote drop off.
This week's Tuesday share?
1 Head Lettuce
1 Basil Plant (yes whole plant)
1 Bunch Dill
1 lb Carrots (topped)
2 Squash
2 Peppers
5 Eggplants
2 Onions
3 Tomatoes
1 Fennel
3 Leeks
1 Watermelon
1 Cantaloupe
We had lunch.
Loaded up the van and I made the drop-offs. Uneventful.
Back to the farm. Unload bins. Fix van tail lights.
Wash dishes. Stretch. Yoga. Shower. Shave. Take pics around the farm.
Eat. Play guitar (as I'm playing a set at next weekend's member picnic).
Gonna keep it at that and toss some pics your way. The bed beckons...

mas manana.
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