In short, I think it went well. D was happy with my planning and execution and E was rockin and rollin through the day. We got loads done... and I truly enjoyed it. Very important.
Before I get into the specifics of the day, I must say how grateful I was/am for being given the opportunity to actually call the shots. The amount of trust D puts in us is mind-boggling at times (we're only half way through the season too). As a result of the good day, I get to "conduct" tomorrow and Friday as well. How awesome!
The day actually started last night when I made my rounds of the crops. Priorities priorities. Organize organize.
We started in the office. I gave my thoughts as to what needed to be done and D & E seemed cool with it. What did we do?
2 BIG priorities.
Planting and Cultivating.
We were 7-10 days behind on some of the transplanting and direct seeding, so that was a definite. And as we're juggling quite a bit at the height of the season we don't have as much time to dedicate to fine cultivation.
So. E fertilized the bare beds in C, D & F (while D basket weeded herbs, carrots and beans in D). I followed with the chisel plow. She then followed with the rototiller and D followed with the bed marker. At times (and we all commented on this which was so cool) it looked/felt as if we were dancing around the field on the tractors. Weaving in and out, back and forth, prepping the soil. A well-oiled machine this morning.
This is what each bed looked like after our handiwork (props to E on the crazy straight tilling. good stuff)

As D is a whiz at direct seeding with the Planet Jr., I figured it best for him to be seeding 5 beds. Oh, as an aside, he seeded Arugula, Mustard Greens, Tatsoi and Goldenfrill (among many others). Yay!! My absolute favorites from the Spring crops.
As E & I fare well at hand transplanting we took care of 2 beds worth of Fennel, Lettuce and Swiss Chard.
Aand I used a little artistic license and set up the van beside the field with the radio on and doors open. Had us a bit of an accompaniment to the work. Felt good.
We took a 20 minute break at 10. Bagels, cream cheese and casserole.
Back to the field then. By lunch we finished all the planting in C & D, moved irrigation lines to them and got them watered in for the latter half of the day.

Lunchtime!! 40 minutes. Long morning.
The afternoon was pretty straightforward.
Direct seed Cucumbers and Summer Squash by hand in F, and cover with reemay.
E & I made quick work of it while D got started on wheelhoeing the brassicas (Broccoli, Rutabaga, Kale, Cabbage) in Z. Perfect time to be cultivating as the sun will bake anything that's not firmly rooted.
The three of us worked through 3 - 400' beds of brassicas by the end of the day.
With a few minutes left I gathered the roll of reemay and the sandbags from that field as we won't be needing them anymore. On our way back up the farm, we pulled 2 large tarps with us behind the van. They were being used to cover hay, but have since gotten a little moldy as they've been sitting in damp grass. Proper to get them out and cleaned.
A great day! We celebrated with a little re-hydration. Melon, of course.
And now it's time to switch my mind to tomorrow.
One word is screaming out above all others.... HARVEST!! Must and will. Lots.
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