Kneel in path
Identify weeds (mostly Purslane)
Discern from squash plant (easy, though other plants are not)
Extend hands, palms down
Thumbs behind base of squash plant
Push weeds/dirt away from base towards opposite side path
In return motion, sweep all fingers (small circles) through weeds/soil on either side agitating thoroughly
While moving to next plant perform steps 2, 3, and 4 so you can have your thumbs behind the plant by the time you're stationary.
Raking clumps in A/winter squash:
Stand in path at 45 degree angle from bed
Hold rake as you would a broom
Place rake about 2-3 inches from base of plant
Pull rake toward you through the soil
Move it slightly side to side at the same time to further break up clumps
Work your way down the row

Stirrup hoeing melons:
Much the same as raking squash except that you walk backwards along the path.

Harvesting carrots:
Stand sideways in path facing carrots
Place heavy duty pitchfork/shovel about 3-4 inches from base of greens
Force down into dirt with foot (as you would a shovel)
When about 6-8 inches down, pry tool back, forcing carrots up
Pull carrots by the bunch, gently shake off dirt and lay parallel in path
Tie 8-10 to a bunch
Rinse thoroughly and spray off with hose

Harvesting cabbage:
Force open leaves downward with your hands exposing head
With left hand push cabbage head to the side exposing the stem
Cut through stem
Place in bin
(no pics. sorry.)
Rototilling unusable crops back into soil:
Pull tractor to the head of the bed
Pull forward until rototiller is at the head of the bed
Engage PTO
Lower rototiller
Proceed down bed
Raise rototiller when you have reached the end of the bed/crop

Stretching at the end of the day:
Clear your mind of all thoughts
Stretch ALL muscles
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