It is getting late here as today was an extended one due to our CRAFT visit (which I'll get into). Ergo... my post will be slightly "list"y. Forgive my shortcut, but sleep beckons...
was rainy/cool.
I plowed 8-9 rows in D (prep for beans, beets, lettuce, carrots, herbs, etc). Didn't plow far enough toward the garlic as I was concerned about hitting it with the disc on the plow. Will get the unplowed strip with the rototiller.
Planted summer squash in field B with ever-helpful volunteer.

E and volunteer "potted on" some seedlings in the greenhouse while I cleaned out the farm van. A task that is a bit more involved than you may assume.
Went to W1 with volunteer to harvest some greens for lunch and the weekend.
Post lunch had various rainy day projects including replacing the two friction disks inside of the two-plate slip clutch on our rototiller. Still waiting to see if it works "as good as new."
Last thing was to manure (2-4-2) the strawberry patch by hand... making sure I got good and smelly right before my (showerless) train ride into the city for the weekend.
Was awesome.
Saw my brother's band play. Great stuff.
Really dug into brainstorming/laying out plans for my (our, actually) future farm.
Drank good organic wine. Etc...
The weather was absolutely strange. Clear, then stormy and unseasonably cold.
We began in the greehouse seeding lettuce, melons. Journeyed to W field to weed onions and carrots. Check out the pics of the crazy growing veggies... mmmmm.
Went to our Monday CRAFT meeting. Interesting visit. In some ways their structure/process is very similar to ours and in some ways, completely different. The opportunity(ies) to see other farms in action is so priceless. We are really very fortunate to have such a helpful informative program.
....This post will now be dedicated to pictures from today. Btw, I figured out how to take extremely close & in-focus pictures yesterday. Abused this option countless times today.

Will you need a washed up pharma robot/rusty massage therapist on your future farm? I know one.
Best pics of flora yet! Thanks for coming back to catch up w/gutz! Shameless!!!!
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