Fog bookended day

Tilled all morning.

F as field!
Not too shabby...

"Three Sisters" field.
900 square feet.
Gonna plant traditionally.
That means mounds.

A little booboo.
D forgave me.

D's birthday Friday.
Ate lunch out.
With farm director.

Love this photo.
On the way.
Move, barn, move.

Weeded all afternoon.
Arugula, Lettuce, Spinach.
Wheel hoe'd first.
Stirrup hoe'd second.
By hand last.

tis lovely, no?

After work, rain...
Lots of rain.

Cut my hair.
Washed my me.
Shaved my face.
Felt like new.
Closed up farm.
And now, today:
Beautiful steaming eggs!

More rain today.
Rather chilly too.
Strange weather lately.
Intense isolated showers.
Back and forth,
good for plants.
Getting big fast.
May bolt though.
Little too soon.
Seeded 150 tomatoes.
Six hundred-ish lettuce.
First distribution Tuesday.
Refurbished old signs.

Attracted to rust.
Me, that is.

Cleaned out barn.
Ready for distribution.
D goofs off.
Happy Birthday, man!

Lunch was fast.
What is new?
Moved harvest boxes.
Retrieved hay wagon.
Tried backing up.
With wagon on...
Shyeah, what ever.
E cleaned barn. (made kimchi too. mad, mad good)
Helped clear drywall.
At D's house.
Big ol' pile.
Over a ton.
Trip to dump.
Big ol' machines.
Forgot my camera.
Muy, muy impressive.
Rabbits left today.
Boo hoo hoo.
Cleaned chicken (c)(p)oop.
Chix are growing.

Closed the greenhouse.
Ate beans, bread,
from local farm, best butter ever.
Really really really.
Writing blog now.
Old timey radio
playing in background.
Thoughts of gratefulness.
Wonderful place here.
So, yeah. Dig
1 comment:
So, azz read the whole blog and then thought "damn! did he plan to write every sentence with three words? How cool was that?". Um. Yeah. Azz didn't read the title.
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