As it kinda snuck up on me, I have nothing prepared to mark the occasion, be it a picture or insight or...
Suffice to say that I continue to be very happy with my decision to pursue sustainable agriculture. It. Gives. Back.
Really. What more can one ask?
6 more months to go. Exciting.
Today saw more soil prep, weeding, transplanting... and a couple blunders, that will remain unspecified. In the words of Ice Cube, "It was a good day."
Eggs, spelt bread w/ butter and an orange for breakfast. Aaaand we're off!!
E & I moved a (very heavy) rabbit hutch into place behind the first barn. She is watching these guys for a few weeks while their owner (an agro-friend of hers) travels the country making a documentary.

These aren't your "childhood pet experiment"-sized rabbits. Nope. BIG rabbits these ones. Big on cute too.
Check on greenhouse with coffee in hand. What a combination. Hot coffee. Cold morning. Smell of baby greens/water/soil. Use that imagination... C'mon. Good stuff.
Morning meeting. Me go fertilizing and rototilling in W2.
Saw a lot of this today

We've got onions that overtook their flats (pictures have been posted of said onions) and needed to be transplanted today as it's supposed to rain on Friday.
My handy prep work:

Sometimes those beds just DO NOT want to stay straight. Aaaargh!

In the meantime, E had her fill of power mowing some cover crops with this guy.

Haven't had a chance to use it yet. Hopefully soon. Power tools...
After lunch the afternoon was taken with prep and execution of transplanting Spinach, Lettuce, Parsley and Onions (using the transplanter). I drove "the beast." E and D (and a volunteer for the first half) manned the mad machine.

I had an epiphany (or two) as to how to keep a straight line down the bed at such a SLOW SPEED.

Seems like a no-brainer to line your hood ornament with the center of the bed and square your hood to the sides of the bed rather than steer at the tires' point of contact... right? Well, we learn.
Irrigation was laid out after all was put to the ground and our day was finished.
I made a pilgrimage on foot to the gas station 1/2 mile away for some evening beer (just felt right today). Delicious. As was the quinoa/parsnip/dandelion green mixture that E concocted for dinner.
Another lovely day on the farm. Hopefully tomorrow will not see as much rain as is forecast. A selfish wish on that one.
Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Now.
Congrats on one month!
More tractor stories!
Where's 5/2-5/5???? When do I get to WVO-convert the Jetta??? -J
Dear Nate, all that green overwhelms me my friend. All that body work you do damm!!. I'm sitting here in the new shop and I try not to look at the time since I whish was 6pm. You know how it is. Marsha's opening went well
she was happy and we had a good turn out, all the beer was gone by the end
I drank most of it. Man you are there getting all Rambo like and I'm here putting on more pounds. Well some day I'll get my own farm
and the belly will be gone.
Body I got to go now take care
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