I still love a rainy day. Happy to know that.
Chilly/wet morning = hot oatmeal & coffee. Does is have to get any better than that? I'd say no.
Plans changed slightly with the presence of rain.
There are plenty of flats of bok choi, lettuce and parsley that need to be transplanted now-ish, but they'll have to wait til Monday.
Morning check on the greenhouse showed solid growth all around, but tomatoes are looking a little less green than usual. Not exactly sure why. Perhaps it has not been hot/dry enough for them to truly "take hold." They are not big fans of the weather as it has been.

What they do have is an amazing earthy smell that I'm sure most everybody has experienced at some point. I could hang out in the greenhouse all day and smell them. That particular smell triggers EARLY childhood (some of the first ones I can actually recall) memories of our family garden. Good memories. The ones that didn't include me sitting on a hill of fire ants. ...I think that was me...
On and on.
Our day focused on two major projects:
1 - Clean the chicken coop, top to bottom (making the hens and chicks oh so happy).
2 - Finish as much of the fence around field F as possible.
I could go into fine detail about the steps involved with each project, but, alas I am not feeling too verbose.
Pics and captions it is... heck, I'm a visual learner anyway.
There is no "before" picture for the coop, but rest assured that (while conditions always remain on the clean side of unclean) it needed some cleanin. Donned gloves and breathing mask and hit it...
Post clean with happy hens-

I suppose these guys are happy too...

Lunch was quick. PBJ style.
After lunch was done it was time to "fence!"
We finished all 3 triple post corners with crossbeams and diagonal high tension support wire.
This is one. The other two look pretty similar.

With those done and the three of us getting antsy to run wire through, we pressed on.
Basically, we pushed back about 200 ft of fencing at the top of fields B thru E to include all of F.

This morning the wire was running right down that line (above pic). And now it's taking a sharp left turn at the left of the (same) pic, then a sharp right after about 50 ft to continue down the length of field F (below).

At the end of F it takes one more sharp right and meets again with field E where it originated. D REALLY knows what he's doing. Dig this process.
So, pretty well soaked and reaching quittin time, we packed it all up and made our way to the office. Congratulated each other on lots of hard work and called it a week.
One more thing: Tomorrow holds the possibility of a "set of wheels" for me. How excited am I? Yep. Pretty much.
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