6:40 - Breakfast (PBJ).
7-8 - Move a whole set of barbell plates/dumbbells/weight bench/etc up a wooden ladder to the 2nd floor of the barn.
8-9:30 - Cleaning/organizing office space/barn space w/ D(Mentor) & E.
9:30-12 - Greenhouse time! Hands in potting soil for an hour. Filling 50cell and 128cell planters w/ soil, "dimpling" each cell, dropping in one seed at a time, covering seeds w/ more soil. Today we (and two volunteers) seeded for Broccoli, Cabbage and Lettuce.
1-2 week old peas in greenhouse
All from something this big (see brown dot on finger)
128cell planter
12-12:30 - Lunch
12:30-1:30 - Finish seeding for lettuce. Done in greenhouse.
1:30-2ish - Back to office to prioritize laundry list of tasks around the farm.
2ish-3:15 - First task from list? Clean the chicken coop. Yes, this is the "after" photo.
3:30-4ish - Clean root cellar. 5 month old veggies in cellar still good. Roasted some for dinner. Yum. (View from outside cellar)
4:30 - Done for the day.
5pm - Bike 2 miles to grocery store. Back wheel comes loose. Walk bike back to farm. No worries. Beautiful day for a walk.
7ish - Dinner... and this (view from my front door). Yeah....
I have truly worked through (and truly enjoyed) my first day on a farm.
Mas y mas...
1 comment:
I plan on rotating my crop of desktop backgrounds with your pics. The root cellar door is my desktop pic of the week.
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