Everyone together.. "Awwwww!!"
Yeah, pretty cute. Truly wonderful.
E gets mad props for overseeing this entire process and making sure the chicks (and mom) are comfy, warm and well fed. Good work!
My day consisted of pretty straight forward work. Very little in the way of crop work, planting, etc. We did, however, begin by checking on weed status in all fields. Let's just say tomorrow is going to see a whole lotta "hands in the ground" time. Not emergency level growth (buckwheat and rye mostly), but definitely so if neglected for a few days.
While we were checking on W1, we snuck a little taste of arugula. Soooo right on. And means so much more when you've put time and energy into it. Yes, the reason for doing it all, eh? Something about fruits and labor...
First project was to install one new and replace 3 old, broken/below ground level irrigation valve boxes.
The old box half excavated

With the old box removed, the valves are exposed. Rocks are pounded in around the pipes to make a sturdy foundation for the new box to sit on. It's very important that the top of the box come just above the level of the field. If it is below ground level then every rain is going to flood the box with debris (water, mud, leaves, etc.). The new box is set level on the rock base and then stood upon by either E or I while the other begins to dump more rocks around the outside of the box. Stability.

The dirt is then returned from whence it came and pounded down... and voila!

Cap and repeat...
Oh, this is what it looks like inside.

Post lunch had us checking on the greenhouse.

This is summer squash that a volunteer and I planted only 12 days ago. Grow, man, grow!!

Then a quick repairing of parts of two different doors. One on the greenhouse and one on the "outhouse." Immediately down to W2 to cover our onions for tonight's below-freezing temperatures. What?? Really. May 1st on Thursday. C'mon.
The rest of the day was spent spiffing up our farm van. Cleaned it inside and out. Tore out the old carpet on the floor as years of dirt and water have rendered it less than savory. ...to be replaced with plywood tomorrow. Put on new wipers. Looking great, running well.
Post work was a quick cleaning of my quarters, some fantastic boiled potatoes and sauteed asparagus (from our ground), closed up the greenhouse .... and... showered! Woo aaand hoo!!!
Time to rest. Say goodnight to the chicks... "Goodnight."
1 comment:
Been offsite for training and have missed reading the daily dose of N. You know me...love the critters. You can post pics of them anytime.
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